Have Your Say Today - IQL's vision and the Loneliness Lab - International Quarter London


IQL's vision and the Loneliness Lab


IQL's vision and the Loneliness Lab

The role of the built environment in creating connections has been recognised by Lendlease through its involvement in the ‘Loneliness Lab’ initiative, which has a mission to ‘design out loneliness’ in our cities.

Nine million people in the UK are lonely and London is ranked one of the loneliest cities in the world. Loneliness has a negative impact on our communities, our health and wellbeing and business.

The Loneliness Lab asks us to reimagine the places in which we live and work, in ways that help us to make connections more easily, to get to know our neighbours and to feel part of a community.

IQL, and specifically the two new residential buildings S1 and S11, are uniquely placed to become a great example of what is possible when it comes to designing out loneliness. We want to invite the local community input into the design of the development so that we can create connections by encouraging interaction between neighbours across the area.

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