Have Your Say Today - A place to live - International Quarter London


A place to live


A place to live

A New Neighbourhood

International Quarter London (IQL)’s will build two new residentail buildings (S1 and S11) at the heart of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. These are currently in the early design stage and will complement the existing neighbourhood of Glasshouse Gardens.

The vision for these two new buildings is “to create a distinctive and active northern entrance to IQL”. Seen together the buildings will form an active square inviting people into IQL, to explore the “spine” that runs through it.

Key Project Objectives

The new building will relate to their surrounding environment and to the guiding principals of the local masetrplan. In particular they will embody:

  • High quality and exemplar design standard;
  • Architectural design that limits overlooking by the surrounding office buildings
  • Area design that makes a natural but distict transition from offices to a residentail area.
  • Area design that balances privacy with being well-connected to and integrated with the new urban fabric of existing and proposed routes
  • Introducing Buildings S1 & S11 - Residential Space

    The residential buildings proposed for the northern end of the IQL site on plots S1 and S11 are at an early design stage. The design team will follow the established masterplan principles, and consider specific site constraints that will influence the design of both buildings.

    The two buildings will be sympathetic to the masterplan principles, creating an elegant gateway. An element of private amenity space and play space will be allocated, determined by final number mix and tenures of homes.

    Spaces You Can Influence

    There will be many different activities happening within different spaces across IQL. Three types of space are outlined below. In the next section , please tell us what kinds of activities you would like to see in these spaces.

    Additional materials

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    A Place to Live Exhibition Board (PDF)

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