Have Your Say Today - Residential Homes S1 & S11 - International Quarter London


Residential Homes S1 & S11


Residential Homes S1 & S11


This page covers the new IQL neighbourhood to be established by two new residential buildings. You can view the relevant pages of the exhibition boards in the 'additional materials' section below, and have your say using the comment form at the bottom of the page.

With their own distinctive facades, new residential buildings S1 and S11, will sit next to each other as the northern entrance to IQL, making iconic contributions to Stratford’s skyline. S1 and S11 will provide around 460 new homes, including a mix of studio, 1, 2 and 3-bed apartments, with 10% adaptable. S1 and S11 will contain a wellness centre and a creche, respectively. The creche will look onto Railway Walk, with a pocket park and children’s play space situated in the vicinity.

See the space - through Northern Gateway to Drewry Yard

Above: Ground uses and public spaces

Above: S1 & S11 from east village from the north west

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Residential Homes Exhibition Boards

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