Have Your Say Today - Public realm - International Quarter London


Public realm


Public realm

Diverse Places

International Quarter London (IQL) will create distinct buildings for diverse commercial, retail and residential use. We want the buildings and the spaces between them to respect the local environment and add to it.

Spaces between the buildings will have varied sizes and landscaping, creating an interesting and diverse public realm that can host a variety of permanent and temporary activities. This diversity will give the Quarter its strong identity. Places include the wide, tree-lined boulevard of Redman Place, the more enclosed Redman Square, and softer green landscaped areas including the Pocket Park and Bridge Place.

Our landscape designers (Gustafson Porter + Bowman) will spend the next few months developing the public realm proposals further. Your comments will help guide their thinking on the detail of these spaces.

Click the numbers 1 through 5 on the diagram below to find out more about each space: 1. Redman Square ; 2. Railway Walk ; 3. Bridge Place ; 4. Arber Lane and 5. Redman Place .


The Pavilion (designed by ACME) is a bold and unique home to a visitor centre, retail spaces and a bar. The roof structure forms a viewing gallery towards the Stadium and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Its location will be ideal for public events and pop-ups to happen nearby.

Spaces You Can Influence

There will be many different activities happening within different spaces across IQL. Three types of space are outlined below. In the next section , please tell us what kinds of activities you would like to see in these spaces.

Additional materials

Document image preview
Public Realm Character (PDF)
Document image preview
Public Realm | Streets, Spaces & Activities (PDF)

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