Have Your Say Today - Emerging Masterplan - International Quarter London


Emerging Masterplan


Emerging Masterplan


This page covers the emerging masterplan and what IQL is bringing to the area. You can view the relevant pages of the exhibition boards in the 'additional materials' section below, and have your say using the comment form at the bottom of the page.

The consented IQL masterplan originally consisted of commercial buildings and two residential buildings (Glasshouse Gardens, already occupied). It is being reviewed to provide additional residential, retail, community and leisure offerings; and variation in public spaces – creating a more lively and mixed-use neighbourhood. Improvements will be made to the public realm, maximising accessibility to IQL. Building names will pay homage to the rich history of the area and future aspirations.

See the space - IQL as a whole


Slide the bar back and forth to view the masterplan before and after changes.

Additional materials

Document image preview
Emerging Masterplan Exhibition Boards

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
